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Dr. Ausra Ramanauskaite

Despre Speaker

Ausra Ramanauskaite is a specialist in periodontology, oral surgery, and implantology. She completed her dental education and specialization in periodontology at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences in Lithuania between 2006 and 2014. In 2016, she was awarded a one-year research scholarship from the Osteology Foundation to conduct research at the Oral Surgery Department of the University of Düsseldorf in Germany.

Ausra Ramanauskaite received her PhD degree in 2018 and Dr. med.dent in 2019. She also completed her postgraduate training in oral surgery and implantology at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, Germany in 2021. In 2023, she obtained the private docent title at the same university.

Currently, Ausra Ramanauskaite is working at the Oral Surgery and Implantology Department of Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany. She has authored several international peer-reviewed publications and is actively involved in research in the field of peri-implant pathology, bone, and soft tissue regeneration.


Preventia si managementului bolilor peri-implantare

Bolile peri-implantare afectează implanturile dentare și sunt asociate plăcii dentare. Mucozita peri-implantară este o afecțiune reversibilă care poate fi tratată prin abordări terapeutice non-chirurgicale, în timp ce peri-implantita necesită intervenție chirurgicală pentru majoritatea pacienților. Prezentarea acoperă diferite concepte de tratament non-chirurgical și chirurgical al bolilor peri-implantare, împreună cu aspecte preventive importante și factorii de prognostic asociați cu rezultatele tratamentului.

Obiective de invatare

  1. Factori de risc locali și legați de pacient pentru bolile peri-implantare
  2. Diagnosticul bolilor peri-impalntare
  3. Strategii de tratament pentru mucozita peri-implantara
  4. Abordări non-chirurgicale și chirurgicale de tratament, criterii de selecție a cazurilor pentru terapiile recosntructive, resective și combinate
  5. Factorii care influențează rezultatele

Dr. Mihnea Cafadaru

Meet the Speaker

Dr. Mihnea Cafadaru is a graduate of the Faculty of Dentistry at the Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Timisoara.

Dr. Cafadaru comes with extensive experience in implantology, prosthodontics, microsurgery, periodontology, oral surgery, and endodontics. He has completed a competency course in oral implantology in Timisoara under the coordination of Prof. Dr. Bratu Emanuel.

In Germany, he completed several courses including oral implantology, implant aesthetics, bone and gum augmentation, periodontology, endodontics, prosthodontics, 3D diagnostics, bone augmentation, dental microscopy, sinus lifting, and bone and gum management course in implantology.


Improving the gingival volume around implants

Dr. Maurice Salama

Despre Speaker

Dr. Maurice A. Salama completed his undergraduate studies at the State University of New York at Binghamton in 1985, where he received his BS in Biology. Dr. Salama received his DMD from the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine, where he later received his dual specialty certification in Orthodontics and Periodontics, as well as his implant training at the Branemark Center at Penn.

Dr. Salama is currently on the faculties of the University of Pennsylvania and the Medical College of Georgia as Clinical Assistant Professor of Periodontics.

Dr. Salama is a permanent member of the Scientific Committee of the world’s leading online Dental Education Website.

He is also a member of the Team Atlanta Dental Practice with Drs. Goldstein and Garber which is a multidisciplinary practice world renowned for their clinical research in reconstructive and esthetic dentistry.


Alternative la augmentarea osoasă chirurgicală în zona estetică 

Obiective de invatare

Această prezentare va evidenția metode alternative de reconstrucție a siturilor deficitare utilizând metode non-chirurgicale, inclusiv: 

  1. Mărirea crestei țesuturilor moi
  2. Neogeneza ortodontică
  3. Terapia parțială de extracție "PET" 
  4. Gingiva artificială

Dr. Anton Sculean

Meet the Speaker

Anton Sculean is professor and chairman of the Department of Periodontology and currently the Head of the Dental Research Center (DRC) of the School of Dental Medicine, University of Bern, Switzerland.  

 Prof. Sculean has authored more than 495 articles in peer-reviewed journals, 30 chapters in periodontal textbooks and has delivered more than 600 lectures at national and international meetings.  

 He is Editor in Chief of Periodontology 2000, one of the top 2 ranked journals in Dentistry.  

 Prof. Sculean has been a recipient of many research awards, among others the Distinguished Scientist Award of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR), the Anthony Rizzo Young Investigator Award of the Periodontal Research Group (PRG) of the IADR, the IADR/PRG Award in Regenerative Periodontal Medicine, the Distinguished Teacher Award of the European Orthodontic Society, and Honorary Membership of the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP). He was awarded honorary doctorates (Dr.h.c.) by the Victor Babes University Timisoara, Romania, the Semmelweis University Budapest and the Carol Davila University, Bucharest, Romania. 

 Professor Sculean is currently listed as the top-rated expert in Periodontics in the world. His h-Index is 92 (google scholar) and 64 (web of science).   

 He is Past President of the Periodontal Research Group of the IADR, of the Swiss Society of Periodontology, of the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) and of the International Academy of Periodontology (IAP). He is board member of the Executive Committee of the EFP, of the Osteology Foundation, of the Oral Reconstruction Foundation and President Elect of the Continental European Division (CED) of the IADR. 

 His research interests focus on periodontal wound healing and regeneration, regenerative and plastic-esthetic periodontal surgery, use of antibiotics, antiseptics, and novel approaches such as lasers and photodynamic therapy in the treatment of periodontal and peri-implant infections.  


Recession Coverage at Crown Restored Teeth and Dental Implants 

Predictable recession coverage at crown restored teeth and dental implants is still a challenge for the clinician. Several factors such as anatomy and position, recession depth and width, presence, or absence of supporting bone, and thickness of the soft tissues may limit the management of soft tissues and consequently impair the outcomes. Emerging evidence indicates that by having a correct indication, the modified coronally advanced tunnel (MCAT), the laterally closed tunnel (LCT) or the very recently described combination of MCAT and LCT in conjunction with connective tissue grafts, certain collagen based soft tissue grafts alone or combined with other biologic materials such as enamel matrix proteins or hyaluronic acid may result in predictable outcomes and long-term stability. 

Learning objectives

  1. To outline the indications and contraindications for recession coverage at crown restored teeth and dental implants.
  2. Based on clinical cases and surgical videos to illustrate the step-by-step procedure for the tunnelling approaches in various clinical scenarios.  

Dr. Anton Sculean

Despre Speaker

Anton Sculean is professor and chairman of the Department of Periodontology and currently the Head of the Dental Research Center (DRC) of the School of Dental Medicine, University of Bern, Switzerland.  

 Prof. Sculean has authored more than 495 articles in peer-reviewed journals, 30 chapters in periodontal textbooks and has delivered more than 600 lectures at national and international meetings.  

 He is Editor in Chief of Periodontology 2000, one of the top 2 ranked journals in Dentistry.  

 Prof. Sculean has been a recipient of many research awards, among others the Distinguished Scientist Award of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR), the Anthony Rizzo Young Investigator Award of the Periodontal Research Group (PRG) of the IADR, the IADR/PRG Award in Regenerative Periodontal Medicine, the Distinguished Teacher Award of the European Orthodontic Society, and Honorary Membership of the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP). He was awarded honorary doctorates (Dr.h.c.) by the Victor Babes University Timisoara, Romania, the Semmelweis University Budapest and the Carol Davila University, Bucharest, Romania. 

 Professor Sculean is currently listed as the top-rated expert in Periodontics in the world. His h-Index is 92 (google scholar) and 64 (web of science).   

 He is Past President of the Periodontal Research Group of the IADR, of the Swiss Society of Periodontology, of the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) and of the International Academy of Periodontology (IAP). He is board member of the Executive Committee of the EFP, of the Osteology Foundation, of the Oral Reconstruction Foundation and President Elect of the Continental European Division (CED) of the IADR. 

 His research interests focus on periodontal wound healing and regeneration, regenerative and plastic-esthetic periodontal surgery, use of antibiotics, antiseptics, and novel approaches such as lasers and photodynamic therapy in the treatment of periodontal and peri-implant infections.  


Tratamentul retractiei gingivale la coroanele dentare si implanturi 

Acoperirea predictibila a retractiei gingivale in cazul dintilor restaurati prin coronae cat si prin implanturi dentare  ramane o provocare pentru clinician. O serie de factori, cum ar fi anatomia și poziția, adâncimea și lățimea retractiei prezența sau absența osului receptor si grosimea țesuturilor moi pot limita gestionarea țesuturilor moi și, prin urmare, pot afecta rezultatele. Studiile indică faptul , având o indicație corectă, tunelul avansat coronar modificat (MCAT), tunelul închis lateral (LCT) sau combinația foarte recent descrisă de MCAT și LCT în combinație cu grefele de țesut conjunctiv, anumite grefe de țesuturi moi pe bază de colagen singure sau combinate cu alte materiale biologice, cum ar fi proteinele din matricea smalțului sau acidul hialuronic, pot duce la rezultate previzibile și stabilitate pe termen lung. 

Obiective de invatare

  1. Sa evidentieze indicatiile si contra-indicatiile pentru tratamentul recesiunii gingivale la  protetica pe dinti naturali si implanturi.
  2. Pe baza cazurilor clinice și a videoclipurilor chirurgicale se va ilustra pas cu pas procedura de tunelizare în diferite scenarii clinice.

Dr. Giorgio Tabanella

Meet the Speaker

Dr. Tabanella is a Diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology, Active Member of the Italian Academy of Esthetic Dentistry and author of the book “Retreatment of failures in dental medicine”. He graduated from the University of Southern California-Los Angeles-USA where he obtained the Certificate in Periodontics as well as the Master of Science in Craniofacial Biology. He was awarded “Outstanding Periodontal Researcher In Surgery And Implantology” by the California Society of Periodontists for his study on bone remodeling. He is the Scientific Coordinator of the International Implant Conference, Director of O.R.E.C.-Oral Reconstruction and Education Center, and reviewer and author of original articles published in peer-reviewed journals.


Dr. Tabanella lectures in Europe, Asia, Middle East, South Africa as well as in the US on implant and periodontal surgery, aesthetic management in dental implant and periodontal therapy, peri-implant bone remodeling, soft and hard tissue reconstruction around natural teeth and implants as well as the re-treatment of failures. His research focuses on tissue regeneration and augmentation with different bone and soft graft materials, peri-implant and dental bone loss, novel protocols for the repair of ailing dental implants. He maintains a private practice in Rome, Italy where he also holds advanced courses and live surgeries on tissue regeneration and re-treatment of implant failures for a limited numbers of participants.


Novel approaches and strategies for peri-implant soft tissue augmentation: Why, When and How.

The fact that an implant is properly functioning is not necessarily associated to success. In fact, many dental implants can present esthetics or functional alterations in the soft tissues morphology and texture that jeopardize the success rate of the therapy. Soft tissue defects around dental implants, such as papilla or volume loss, peri-implant recession and alterations of the ridge color and/or texture, lead to esthetic and functional critical issues. A good quality, quantity and thickness of the peri-implant soft tissue is also critical to achieve biomimetics and pink esthetics. The “Buccal Pedicle Flap” and its modifications will be presented as a novel technique to boost the peri-implant mucosa without the need of invasive procedures thus allowing to obtain the desiderable mucosa volume and quality. This approach would lead to a more stable tissues, no peri-implant bone loss or peri-implantitis and ultimately higher success rate in modern implant dentistry.

Learning objectives

  1. understand the importance of the peri-implant mucosa
  2. being able to detect the critical numbers for mucosa health 
  3. evaluate the surgical alternatives to boost the peri-implant mucosa 
  4. understand in details the critical steps to perform the “Buccal Pedicle Flap”
  5. obtain a full understanding of the concept of mucosa integration and soft tissue sealing
  6. understand how to prevent or treat complications and failures in dental medicine  

Dr. Giorgio Tabanella

Despre Speaker

Dr. Tabanella is a Diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology, Active Member of the Italian Academy of Esthetic Dentistry and author of the book “Retreatment of failures in dental medicine”. He graduated from the University of Southern California-Los Angeles-USA where he obtained the Certificate in Periodontics as well as the Master of Science in Craniofacial Biology. He was awarded “Outstanding Periodontal Researcher In Surgery And Implantology” by the California Society of Periodontists for his study on bone remodeling. He is the Scientific Coordinator of the International Implant Conference, Director of O.R.E.C.-Oral Reconstruction and Education Center, and reviewer and author of original articles published in peer-reviewed journals.


Dr. Tabanella lectures in Europe, Asia, Middle East, South Africa as well as in the US on implant and periodontal surgery, aesthetic management in dental implant and periodontal therapy, peri-implant bone remodeling, soft and hard tissue reconstruction around natural teeth and implants as well as the re-treatment of failures. His research focuses on tissue regeneration and augmentation with different bone and soft graft materials, peri-implant and dental bone loss, novel protocols for the repair of ailing dental implants. He maintains a private practice in Rome, Italy where he also holds advanced courses and live surgeries on tissue regeneration and re-treatment of implant failures for a limited numbers of participants.


Abordari noi si strategii pentru augmentarea tesutului moale peri-implantar: de ce, cand si cum. 

Faptul ca un implant functionează corect nu este neaparat asociat cu succesul. De fapt, multe implanturi dentare pot prezenta estetica sau modificari functionale in morfologia si textura tesuturilor moi care pun in pericol rata de succes a terapiei. Defectele tesuturilor moi din jurul implanturilor dentare, cum ar fi papila sau pierderea de volum, aparitia peri-implantitei si modificarile culorii si/sau texturii crestei, duc la probleme critice estetice si functionale. O bună calitate, cantitatea si grosimea tesutului moale peri-implantar este, de asemenea, esentiala pentru realizarea biomimeticei si a esteticii roz.. Tehnica " Buccal Pedicle Flap " si modificările sale vor fi prezentate ca o tehnică inedită de stimulare a mucoasei peri-implantare fara a fi nevoie de proceduri invazive, permitand astfel obtinerea volumului si calitatii mucoasei dorite. Aceasta abordare ar duce la un tesut mai stabil, fara pierdere osoasa peri-implantar sau fara peri-implantita si, în cele din urmă, la o rata de succes mai mare in stomatologia moderna a implanturilor.

Obiective de invatare

  1. intelegerea importantei mucoasei peri-implantare 
  2. posibilitatea de a detecta numerele critice pentru sanatatea mucoasei 
  3. evaluarea alternativelor chirurgicale pentru stimularea mucoasei peri-implantare 
  4. pasii critici pentru realizarea "Buccal Pedicle Flap " – prezentare in detaliu 
  5. obtinerea unei intelegere depline a conceptului de integrare a mucoaselor si de etansare a tesuturilor moi 
  6. intelegerea a cum sa previi sau sa tratezi complicatiile si esecurile in medicina dentara 

Dr. Frank Zastrow

Meet the Speaker

Dr. Frank Zastrowis an oral surgeon, international speaker, authorand owner of a private dental clinic in southern Germany. Until 2007 hewasresearch associate at the maxillofacialdepartmentof the University of Heidelberg (medical director: Prof. Dr. J. Mühling). Until 2012 he was Senior Physician at Prof. Fouad Khoury in the clinic Schloss Schellenstein, Germany. Today he is known internationally as a speaker and author of numerous specialist books.He invented the Semilunar technique (SLT) and he is the owner of numerous patents worldwide.Some colleagues will also be familiar with the “Real Bone Builders” Facebook group he founded, in which colleagues exchange information about the treatment of complex implantological cases with Real Bone.


Working with Real Bone- Take your implantology skills from Good to Great

In the presented procedures, the Biological Bone Augmentation (BBA concept) and the Split bone block technique SBBT (according to Prof. Fouad Khoury) are presented, in which preferably the patient's own and vital bone is used as the so-called "Gold standard". The advantage lies in the osteoinductive and osteogenetic potency of the autologous bone.

At the same time, innovative modifications as the Semilunar technique (SLT) are presented, which may represent a facilitation and simplification of the previous methods.

In this context, the careful, safe and at the same time time-saving harvesting of the bone as well as the safe reconstruction of the defects are discussed in particular.

Learning objectives

  1. How to harvest bone blocks from the retromolar area 
  2. How to harvest intra-cortical bone shells using the Semilunar technique (SLT) 
  3. How to apply the Split Bone Technique (by Fouad Khoury) and work with Real Bone 
  4.  How to deal with vertical defects and manage advance hard- and soft tissue management 

Dr. Frank Zastrow

Meet the Speaker

Dr. Frank Zastrowis an oral surgeon, international speaker, authorand owner of a private dental clinic in southern Germany. Until 2007 hewasresearch associate at the maxillofacialdepartmentof the University of Heidelberg (medical director: Prof. Dr. J. Mühling). Until 2012 he was Senior Physician at Prof. Fouad Khoury in the clinic Schloss Schellenstein, Germany. Today he is known internationally as a speaker and author of numerous specialist books.He invented the Semilunar technique (SLT) and he is the owner of numerous patents worldwide.Some colleagues will also be familiar with the “Real Bone Builders” Facebook group he founded, in which colleagues exchange information about the treatment of complex implantological cases with Real Bone.


Utilizarea osului autolog Dezvoltati-va abilitatile implantologice de la bina la exceptional 

In procedurile prezentate, augmentarea biologica a oaselor (conceptul BBA) si tehnica split a blocului osos SBBT (conform prof. Fouad Khoury) sunt introduse, in care, de preferinta, osul propriu si vital al pacientului este utilizat ca asa-numitul "standard de aur". Avantajul consta in potenta osteoinductiva si osteogenetica a osului autolog.In același timp, sunt prezentate modificari inovatoare ca tehnica semi-luna (SLT), care pot reprezenta o facilitare si o simplificare a metodelor anterioare. In acest context, se discuta in special recoltarea atenta, sigura si rapida a osului, precum si reconstructia in conditii de siguranta a defectelor.

Obiective de invatare

  1. Cum să recoltați blocuri osoase din zona retromolara 
  2. Cum se recoltează  os intra-cortical folosind tehnica semi-luna (SLT) 
  3. Cum să aplicați tehnica split bone (de Fouad Khoury) și să lucrați cu Real Bone 
  4. Cum sa faci fata defectelor verticale si sa gestionezi managementul avansat al tesuturilor dure si moi 

Dr. Jaime Lozada

Meet the Speaker

Dr. Lozada is professor and director of the Advanced Education Program in Implant Dentistry at Loma Linda University, School of Dentistry where he also received his Certificate in Implant Dentistry (87) and Prosthodontics (95).  He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Implant Dentistry, past president of the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Oral Implantology, past president of the American Board of Dental Specialties, past president of the American Board of Implant Dentistry and Fellow of the American College of Dentists. 


Management of Complications of Implants in the Esthetic Zone

Achieving anterior implant esthetics is a challenging and demanding procedure. To create implant restorations with harmonious gingival contour that emulate nature is a fusion of science and art. Understanding the biologic and physiologic limitations of the soft and hard tissue will facilitate predictability in simple to complex esthetic situations and prevent complications short and long-term. 

This presentation will focus on current implant treatment philosophies and methodologies for the management of complications that may occur during treatment of implants in the esthetic zone. Equal emphasis will be placed on the diagnosis and treatment planning, surgical and prosthetic management of soft and hard tissue for optimal anterior implant esthetics. 

Learning objectives

  1. Identify prognostic variables for predictable anterior implant esthetics
  2. Implant papilla complication management in the esthetic zone
  3. Delay vs. immediate implant placement – understand treatment sequence and timing from extraction to final implant restoration
  4. Prosthetic emergence and materials for gingival esthetics manipulation

Dr. Jaime Lozada

Despre Speaker

Dr. Lozada is professor and director of the Advanced Education Program in Implant Dentistry at Loma Linda University, School of Dentistry where he also received his Certificate in Implant Dentistry (87) and Prosthodontics (95).  He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Implant Dentistry, past president of the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Oral Implantology, past president of the American Board of Dental Specialties, past president of the American Board of Implant Dentistry and Fellow of the American College of Dentists. 


Managementul Complicatiilor Implanturilor in zona estetica 

Realizarea esteticii implantului in zona anterioara este o procedura provocatoare si solicitanta. A crea restaura protetice pe implanturi cu contur gingival armonios care emulează natura este o fuziune între știință și artă. Înțelegerea limitărilor biologice și fiziologice ale țesutului moale și dur va facilita predictibilitatea în situații estetice simple până la complexe și va preveni complicațiile pe termen scurt și lung.Această prezentare se va concentra pe filozofiile și metodologiile actuale de tratament al implanturilor pentru gestionarea complicațiilor care pot apărea în timpul tratamentului implanturilor în zona estetică. Se va pune un accent deosebit pe planificarea diagnosticului și a tratamentului, managementul chirurgical și protetic al țesuturilor moi și dure pentru estetica optimă a implantului in zona anteriora.

Obiective de invatare

  1. Identificarea variabilelor prognostice pentru o estetica previzibilă a implantului in zona anteriora

  2. Managementul complicatiilor papilei implantului in zona estetica

  3. Inserarea imediata vs intarziata a implantului – înțelegeți secvențele de tratament și calendarul de la extracție până la restaurarea finală a implantului 

  4. Estetica profilului de emergenta și materiale pentru manipularea esteticii gingivale 

Dr. Tiziano Testori

Meet the Speaker

Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine, University of Michigan, School of Dentistry, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1078 USA.

Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Oral Medicine, Infection and Immunity, Harvard University, School of Dental Medicine, Boston, MA 02115 USA.

Head of the Section of Implant Dentistry and Oral Rehabilitation. IRCCS, Galeazzi Institute, Milan, Italy. Department of Biomedical, Surgical and Dental Science (Chairman: prof. L. Francetti), University of Milan, Italy.

Founder and Scientific Director, Lake Como Institute (LCI) Implant Advanced Training Center, Como, Italy. Academy of Osseointegration (AO) Approved Training Provider.

Vice Chair of the “Global Program Development Committee”, Member of the “Global Education Committee”, Member of the “Credential Committee” for the Academy of Osseointegration (AO).

Winner of the William R. Laney Award for the best article published in the International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants (IJOMI) 2007.


Efficient modern treatment plans: 5.0 immediate loading 

Implant dentistry continues to evolve and one of the most efficient and modern treatment strategies is immediate loading. My lecture will include presentations and video to show participants a full range of treatment options. This lecture will deal with patient selection, treatment planning, surgical and restorative phases for successful immediate loading procedures. 

The Simplified Digital Protocol (SDP) that is a novel full digital approach will be illustrated step-by-step. This innovative protocol will allow the clinicians to deliver the final prosthesis in 3-steps including the surgical step.  

Learning objectives

  1. Identify predictable clinical indications 
  2. Determine the contraindications
  3. Understand the pre-prosthetic diagnostic phase
  4. Identify the step-by-step surgical /prosthetic procedures in treating edentulous and partially edentulous patients
  5. Apply the Simplified Digital Protocol (SDP) in your clinical practice as a routine
  6. Understand how to improve the practice by means of efficient procedures

Dr. Tiziano Testori

Despre Speaker

Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine, University of Michigan, School of Dentistry, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1078 USA.

Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Oral Medicine, Infection and Immunity, Harvard University, School of Dental Medicine, Boston, MA 02115 USA.

Head of the Section of Implant Dentistry and Oral Rehabilitation. IRCCS, Galeazzi Institute, Milan, Italy. Department of Biomedical, Surgical and Dental Science (Chairman: prof. L. Francetti), University of Milan, Italy.

Founder and Scientific Director, Lake Como Institute (LCI) Implant Advanced Training Center, Como, Italy. Academy of Osseointegration (AO) Approved Training Provider.

Vice Chair of the “Global Program Development Committee”, Member of the “Global Education Committee”, Member of the “Credential Committee” for the Academy of Osseointegration (AO).

Winner of the William R. Laney Award for the best article published in the International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants (IJOMI) 2007.


Plan de tratament modern si efficient: 5.0 incarcare imediata 

Implantologia continua sa evolueze, iar una dintre cele mai eficiente si moderne tehnici de tratament este incarcarea imediata. Prezentarea va arata  participanților o gamă completă de opțiuni de tratament. Acesta prezentare se va ocupa de selectarea pacientului, planificarea tratamentului, fazele chirurgicale și de restaurare pentru procedurile de încărcare imediată de succes. Protocolul digital simplificat (PSD), care este o nouă abordare digitală completă, va fi ilustrat pas cu pas. Acest protocol inovator va permite clinicienilor livreze proteza finală în 3 etape, inclusiv etapa chirurgicală. 

Obiective de invatare

  1. Identificarea indicațiilor clinice previzibile

  2. Determinarea contraindicatiilor

  3. Intelegerea fazei de diagnostic pre-protetic

  4. Identificarea procedurilor chirurgicale/protetice pas cu pas în tratarea pacienților edentativi și parțial edentati

  5. Aplicați protocolul digital simplificat (PSD) în practica dumneavoastră clinică ca o rutină

  6. Înțelegerea cum să îmbunătățiți practica prin intermediul unor proceduri eficiente

Dr. Mihnea Cafadaru

Despre Speaker

Dr. Mihnea Cafadaru is a graduate of the Faculty of Dentistry at the Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Timisoara.

Dr. Cafadaru comes with extensive experience in implantology, prosthodontics, microsurgery, periodontology, oral surgery, and endodontics. He has completed a competency course in oral implantology in Timisoara under the coordination of Prof. Dr. Bratu Emanuel.

In Germany, he completed several courses including oral implantology, implant aesthetics, bone and gum augmentation, periodontology, endodontics, prosthodontics, 3D diagnostics, bone augmentation, dental microscopy, sinus lifting, and bone and gum management course in implantology.


Cresterea volumului gingival in jurul implanturilor

Dr. Ausra Ramanauskaite

Meet the Speaker

Ausra Ramanauskaite is a specialist in periodontology, oral surgery, and implantology. She completed her dental education and specialization in periodontology at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences in Lithuania between 2006 and 2014. In 2016, she was awarded a one-year research scholarship from the Osteology Foundation to conduct research at the Oral Surgery Department of the University of Düsseldorf in Germany.

Ausra Ramanauskaite received her PhD degree in 2018 and Dr. med.dent in 2019. She also completed her postgraduate training in oral surgery and implantology at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, Germany in 2021. In 2023, she obtained the private docent title at the same university.

Currently, Ausra Ramanauskaite is working at the Oral Surgery and Implantology Department of Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany. She has authored several international peer-reviewed publications and is actively involved in research in the field of peri-implant pathology, bone, and soft tissue regeneration.


Prevention and management of peri-implant diseases

Peri-implant diseases are pathological conditions that affect dental implants and can lead to inflammation and bone loss. Peri-implant mucositis is the initial stage, which is reversible with non-surgical therapeutic approaches. However, peri-implantitis is the advanced stage and requires surgical intervention in most cases. The lecture will cover various non-surgical and surgical treatment concepts for peri-implant diseases, including preventive aspects and prognostic factors associated with treatment outcomes.

Learning objectives

  1. Local and patient-related risk factors for peri-implant diseases
  2. Diagnosis of peri-impalnt diseases
  3. Treatment strategies for peri-implant mucositis
  4. Non-surgical and surgical treatment approaches, case selection criteria for the recosntructive, resective and combined therapies
  5. Factors influencing the outcomes

Dr. Frank Schwarz

Meet the Speaker

In 2013 he became Honorary Professor at the Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia (School of Dentistry and Oral Health. 

He had received several appointments offers, such as Director in Implant Dentistry at the New York University (NYU), Professor in Implant Dentistry at the Hong Kong University, or as Professor in Oral Surgery at the University of Leeds. 

 Since February 2018, he is Professor and Chairman of the Department of Oral Surgery and Implantology at the Centre for Dentistry and Oral Medicine (Carolinum), Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany. 

He is a Member of the Board of Directors of the EAO - European Association for Osseointegration, a Past President of the German Association of Oral Implantology (DGI), an Executive Board Member of the Osteology Foundation and was awarded the André Schröder Research Prize in 2007, the Miller Research Prize in 2012 and the Jan Lindhe Award in 2017.  


Guided Bone Regeneration - pushing the limits in day-to-day clinical practice 

The efficacy of guided bone regeneration (GBR) for the reconstruction of alveolar ridge defects is well documented, however, limited in volume due to several biological, surgical and prosthetic factors.  

This course will focus on the advancement of practical skills with innovative techniques to master demanding clinical indications. 

Learning objectives

  1. Improved GBR protocols for simultaneous grafting 
  2. Advanced GBR protocols for staged lateral- and vertical grafting 
  3. Modified GBR protocols for Peri-implantitis related defects 
  4. Guided soft tissue regeneration (GSTR) 
  5. Indication based Flap designs (Combination flap, Double flap) 
  6. Suturing techniques 

Dr. Frank Schwarz

Despre Speaker

In 2013 he became Honorary Professor at the Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia (School of Dentistry and Oral Health. 

He had received several appointments offers, such as Director in Implant Dentistry at the New York University (NYU), Professor in Implant Dentistry at the Hong Kong University, or as Professor in Oral Surgery at the University of Leeds. 

 Since February 2018, he is Professor and Chairman of the Department of Oral Surgery and Implantology at the Centre for Dentistry and Oral Medicine (Carolinum), Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany. 

He is a Member of the Board of Directors of the EAO - European Association for Osseointegration, a Past President of the German Association of Oral Implantology (DGI), an Executive Board Member of the Osteology Foundation and was awarded the André Schröder Research Prize in 2007, the Miller Research Prize in 2012 and the Jan Lindhe Award in 2017.  


Regenerarea osoasă ghidată - depasirea limitelor în practica clinică de zi cu zi 

Eficacitatea regenerării osoase ghidate (GBR) pentru reconstrucția defectelor de creastă alveolară este bine documentată, cu toate acestea, limitată în volum datorită mai multor factori biologici, chirurgicali și protetici. Prezentarea se va concentra pe abilități practice avansate cu tehnici inovatoare pentru a stăpâni indicațiile clinice solicitante. 

Obiective de invatare

  1. Protocoale GBR îmbunătățite pentru augmentare simultană 
  2. Protocoale AVANSATE GBR pentru augmentarea laterală și verticală în etape 
  3. Protocoale GBR modificate pentru defecte legate de peri-implantită 
  4. Regenerarea ghidată a țesuturilor moi (GSTR) 
  5. Indicatii pentru design-ul lamboului (lambou combinat, lambou dublu) 
  6. Tehnici de suturare 

Dr. Jose Martins Da Rosa

Meet the Speaker

Graduation course in Dentistry, Federal University of Santa Maria – UFSM – Santa Maria/RS – Brazil, 1988.

 Specialization course in Periodontics, Associação Paulista dos Cirurgiões-Dentistas – APCD – Bauru/SP – Brazil, 1991.

 Specialization course and Master of Science in Prosthesis, CPO SLMandic – Center of Dental Research São Leopoldo Mandic – Campinas/SP – Brazil, 2005.

 PhD in Implantology, CPO SLMandic – Center of Dental Research São Leopoldo Mandic – Campinas/SP – Brazil, 2014.

Author of the book: Immediate Dentoalveolar Restoration (IDR) by Quintessence Publishing.

 Private Practice, Caxias do Sul – RS – Brazil.


Immediate Dentoalveolar Restoration (IDR) - A paradigm shift in the treatment of compromised sockets in the esthetic zone

In this lecture I will discuss how to manage compromised sockets with severe bone loss in combination with implant installation, bone reconstruction and provisional fabrication in a single procedure using bone graft harvested from maxillary tuberosity applying minimally invasive approach.   

       I will share very challenging clinical cases that without IDR technique it could not be managed using flapless procedures with minimally invasive surgeries, thus requiring a more expensive treatment, longer and with greater unpredictability of results. It will be introduce a new perspective to manage compromised sockets using flapless surgery in a simplest way possible based on biological response. 

        It will be presented several cases, which showed one or more compromised socket walls of the tooth involved, with or without changes of the gingival margin, with long-term of clinical, radiographic and CT scan follow-up.    

Learning objectives

  1. Demonstrate improvement of the practitioner’s management of compromised fresh extraction sockets in the esthetic zone
  2. Explain the step-by-step, indications, and advantages of the IDR concept 
  3. Discuss bone biology and IDR response

Dr. Jose Martins Da Rosa

Despre Speaker

Graduation course in Dentistry, Federal University of Santa Maria – UFSM – Santa Maria/RS – Brazil, 1988.

 Specialization course in Periodontics, Associação Paulista dos Cirurgiões-Dentistas – APCD – Bauru/SP – Brazil, 1991.

 Specialization course and Master of Science in Prosthesis, CPO SLMandic – Center of Dental Research São Leopoldo Mandic – Campinas/SP – Brazil, 2005.

 PhD in Implantology, CPO SLMandic – Center of Dental Research São Leopoldo Mandic – Campinas/SP – Brazil, 2014.

Author of the book: Immediate Dentoalveolar Restoration (IDR) by Quintessence Publishing.

 Private Practice, Caxias do Sul – RS – Brazil.


Restaurari imediate dentoalveolare (IDR) O schimbare de paradigma in tratamentul situri-lor compromise in zona estetica. 

În această prezentare se va discuta despre cum să gestionați situri-le compromise cu pierderi osoase severe în combinație cu inserarea implantului, reconstrucția osoasă și confectionarea lucrarilor provizoarii într-o singură procedură folosind grefa osoasă recoltată din tuberozitatea maxilară aplicând o abordare minim invazivă. Voi împărtăși cazuri clinice foarte provocatoare care fără tehnica IDR nu ar putea fi gestionate folosind proceduri flapless cu intervenții chirurgicale minim invazive, necesitând astfel un tratament mai scump, mai lung și cu o imprevizibilitate mai mare a rezultatelor.

Se va introduce o nouă perspectivă de gestionare a situri-lor compromise folosind chirurgia flapless într-un mod cât mai simplu posibil, pe baza răspunsului biologic.Vor fi prezentate mai multe cazuri, care au prezentat unul sau mai mulți pereți ai sit-ului compromis ai dintelui implicat, cu sau fără modificări ale marginii gingivale, cu monitorizare pe termen lung a scanării clinice, radiografice și CT-ului. 

Obiective de invatare

  1. Management imbunatatit al alveolei postextractionale in zona estetica 
  2. Explicarea pas cu pas, indicațiile și avantajele conceptului IDR 
  3. Discutii despre biologia osoasă și răspunsul IDR 

Dr. Francesco Mintrone

Meet the Speaker

He started his activity as a dental technician and then specialized as a ceramist in fixed prosthesis. After graduating in Dentistry with honors at the University of Modena, Italy, he attended several courses on prosthetic dentistry and implant surgery.

EAED active member

Winner of the 2011 and 2012 editions of the Master Clinician in Implant Dentistry at the gIDE/UCLA, he is Faculty member and chairman at the gIDE/LLU for the Esthetic/Implant Master Program in Europe, China and Vietnam

He has authored several articles published on international scientific magazines and he lectures nationally and internationally on topics related todigital dentistry. implants and prosthodontics.

He focuses his professional activity mainly on aesthetics and prosthetic rehabilitation on implants and natural dentition in his private practices in Modena,Italy.


Esthetic and Functional Rehabilitation of Complex Cases 

Every single time we start treating a complex case we have to make numerous assessments in order to guarantee the patient an ideal aesthetic and functional result. 

The aesthetic analysis, the functional analysis and the clinician technician communication are of fundamental importance in order to guarantee this result. 

Learning objectives

  1. The lecture will highlight an ideal workflow to ensure predictable results. 
  2. The differences between a traditional approach and a digital one will be highlighted in order to identify the pros and cons of the two approaches. 
  3. The materials and prosthetic designs will also be evaluated to ensure the longevity and aesthetics of our restorations. 

Dr. Francesco Mintrone

Despre Speaker

He started his activity as a dental technician and then specialized as a ceramist in fixed prosthesis. After graduating in Dentistry with honors at the University of Modena, Italy, he attended several courses on prosthetic dentistry and implant surgery.

EAED active member

Winner of the 2011 and 2012 editions of the Master Clinician in Implant Dentistry at the gIDE/UCLA, he is Faculty member and chairman at the gIDE/LLU for the Esthetic/Implant Master Program in Europe, China and Vietnam

He has authored several articles published on international scientific magazines and he lectures nationally and internationally on topics related todigital dentistry. implants and prosthodontics.

He focuses his professional activity mainly on aesthetics and prosthetic rehabilitation on implants and natural dentition in his private practices in Modena,Italy.


Reabilitari estetice si functionale ale cazurilor complexe 

De fiecare dată când începem tratăm un caz complex, trebuie facem numeroase evaluări pentru a garanta pacientului un rezultat estetic și funcțional ideal.Analiza estetica, analiza functionala si comunicarea technician - clinician sunt de o importanta fundamentala pentru a garanta acest rezultat.

Obiective de invatare

  1. Prezentarea va evidenția un flux de lucru ideal pentru a asigura rezultate previzibile. 
  2. Diferențele dintre o abordare tradițională și una digitală vor fi evidențiate pentru a identifica avantajele și dezavantajele celor două abordări.
  3. Materialele și design-ul protetic vor fi, de asemenea, evaluate pentru a asigura longevitatea și estetica restaurărilor noastre. 


Dr. Stavros Pelekanos

Despre Speaker

Dr. Stavros Pelekanos received his undergraduate degree in Dentistry (D.D.S.) from the University of Athens, Greece. In 1993, he obtained his doctoral degree in Prosthodontics (Dr med dent) from the University of Freiburg (Prof. Dr. J.R. Strub), Germany. Following his professional training, Dr. Pelekanos established a private practice in Athens, oriented towards prosthodontics, implantology and esthetic dentistry.

In 2002, he was appointed full-time Lecturer at the Department of Prosthodontics, Dental School, University of Athens, Greece, and in 2012 Assistant Professor in the same department. Since 2013 he is an active member of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED). His professional affiliations include: The International College of Prosthodontics (ICP), European Prosthodontic Association (EPA), Greek Prosthodontic Association and many others. He is a faculty member of gIDE Institute (Global Institute of Dental Education, Los Angeles, California) and Dental Tribune (CME courses) lecturing internationally and performing hands on courses on implants, aesthetics and restorative procedures.

In 2008 and 2011, Dr. Pelekanos received second and first prize at the scientific award competition of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry held in Madrid, Spain and Istanbul, Turkey respectively. To date he has published over twenty articles in peer reviewed journals and 3 chapters in books.


Concepte de inserare imediata sau intarziata a implantului in zona anterioara. Cand si cum impingem limitele?

Inserarea implantului in zona estetica ramane o provocare din perspectiva procedurii clinice, necesitand abilitati clinic si o planificare meticuloasa.

“Pastrarea sau constructia volumului” a fost intotdeauna o dilemma pentru medic in ultimele decenii, afectand decizia de tratament si destul de des rezultat clinic. Inserarea imediata se pare ca a castigat tot mai multa incredere.

Obiective de invatare

Scopul prezentarii este sa ofere conceptele clinice ce asigura contururi transmucosale stabile indifferent de momentul inserarii implantului. Incepand cu macro-geometria potrivita inserarii implantului si cu inserarea lui gidata, intelegand importanta designului bontului si diferitelor zone ale conturului transmucosal, participantii vor putea stapani pas cu pas procedure clinic pentru a obtine rezultate estetice mai bune pe termen lung.

Dr. Stavros Pelekanos


Dr. Stavros Pelekanos received his undergraduate degree in Dentistry (D.D.S.) from the University of Athens, Greece. In 1993, he obtained his doctoral degree in Prosthodontics (Dr med dent) from the University of Freiburg (Prof. Dr. J.R. Strub), Germany. Following his professional training, Dr. Pelekanos established a private practice in Athens, oriented towards prosthodontics, implantology and esthetic dentistry.

In 2002, he was appointed full-time Lecturer at the Department of Prosthodontics, Dental School, University of Athens, Greece, and in 2012 Assistant Professor in the same department. Since 2013 he is an active member of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED). His professional affiliations include: The International College of Prosthodontics (ICP), European Prosthodontic Association (EPA), Greek Prosthodontic Association and many others. He is a faculty member of gIDE Institute (Global Institute of Dental Education, Los Angeles, California) and Dental Tribune (CME courses) lecturing internationally and performing hands on courses on implants, aesthetics and restorative procedures.

In 2008 and 2011, Dr. Pelekanos received second and first prize at the scientific award competition of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry held in Madrid, Spain and Istanbul, Turkey respectively. To date he has published over twenty articles in peer reviewed journals and 3 chapters in books.


Immediacy and delayed implant concepts in the anterior region – When and how we push the limits?

Implant placement in the esthetic zone remains always a challenging clinical procedure requiring clinical skills and meticulous planning. “Maintain or recreate the volume” has always been a dilemma for the clinician the last decades affecting the treatment choice and often the clinical outcome. Immediate implants seem to gain again more trust since better hardware and software are being used.


The purpose of this presentation is to provide simple clinical concepts to ensure stable transmucosal contours with high white and pink esthetic scores regardless of implant placement timing. Starting with the proper implant macro-geometry and guided implant placement, understanding the importance of the abutment design and the different zones of the transmucosal contour, the participants will be able to master step by step simple clinical procedures to achieve better long-term esthetic outcomes.

Dr. Stavros Pelekanos

Despre Speaker

Dr. Stavros Pelekanos received his undergraduate degree in Dentistry (D.D.S.) from the University of Athens, Greece. In 1993, he obtained his doctoral degree in Prosthodontics (Dr med dent) from the University of Freiburg (Prof. Dr. J.R. Strub), Germany. Following his professional training, Dr. Pelekanos established a private practice in Athens, oriented towards prosthodontics, implantology and esthetic dentistry.

In 2002, he was appointed full-time Lecturer at the Department of Prosthodontics, Dental School, University of Athens, Greece, and in 2012 Assistant Professor in the same department. Since 2013 he is an active member of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED). His professional affiliations include: The International College of Prosthodontics (ICP), European Prosthodontic Association (EPA), Greek Prosthodontic Association and many others. He is a faculty member of gIDE Institute (Global Institute of Dental Education, Los Angeles, California) and Dental Tribune (CME courses) lecturing internationally and performing hands on courses on implants, aesthetics and restorative procedures.

In 2008 and 2011, Dr. Pelekanos received second and first prize at the scientific award competition of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry held in Madrid, Spain and Istanbul, Turkey respectively. To date he has published over twenty articles in peer reviewed journals and 3 chapters in books.


Immediacy and delayed implant concepts in the anterior region – When and how we push the limits. Implant placement in the esthetic zone remains always a challenging clinical procedure requiring clinical skills and meticulous planning. “Maintain or recreate the volume” has always been a dilemma for the clinician the last decades affecting the treatment choice and often the clinical outcome. Immediate implants seem to gain again more trust since better hardware and software are being used.

Learning Objectives

The purpose of this presentation is to provide simple clinical concepts to ensure stable transmucosal contours with high white and pink esthetic scores regardless of implant placement timing. Starting with the proper implant macro-geometry and guided implant placement, understanding the importance of the abutment design and the different zones of the transmucosal contour, the participants will be able to master step by step simple clinical procedures to achieve better long-term esthetic outcomes.

Dr. Maurice Salama

Meet the Speaker

Dr. Maurice A. Salama completed his undergraduate studies at the State University of New York at Binghamton in 1985, where he received his BS in Biology. Dr. Salama received his DMD from the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine, where he later received his dual specialty certification in Orthodontics and Periodontics, as well as his implant training at the Branemark Center at Penn.

Dr. Salama is currently on the faculties of the University of Pennsylvania and the Medical College of Georgia as Clinical Assistant Professor of Periodontics.

Dr. Salama is a permanent member of the Scientific Committee of the world’s leading online Dental Education Website.

He is also a member of the Team Atlanta Dental Practice with Drs. Goldstein and Garber which is a multidisciplinary practice world renowned for their clinical research in reconstructive and esthetic dentistry.


Alternatives to Surgical Bone Augmentation in the Esthetic Zone

Learning objectives

This presentation will highlight alternative methods to reconstruct deficient sites utilizing non-surgical methods including: 

  1. Soft Tissue ridge augmentation, 
  2. Orthodontic Neogenesis, 
  3. Partial Extraction Therapy  "PET"
  4. Artificial Gingiva